COP SUD Prevention Program for Sober Living Residents:


Education and Awareness: Implement educational programs to provide residents with a comprehensive understanding of substance use disorder, its causes, effects, and the importance of long-term recovery. This may include workshops, guest speakers, or educational materials.


Relapse Prevention Planning: Help residents develop personalized relapse prevention plans that identify triggers, warning signs, coping strategies, and healthy alternatives to substance use. Regularly review and update these plans with the residents.


Life Skills Training: Offer life skills training to enhance residents' abilities to cope with stress, manage emotions, and make healthy choices. This may include sessions on effective communication, problem-solving, stress management, and decision-making skills.


Healthy Lifestyle Promotion: Encourage residents to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle by providing information and resources on nutrition, exercise, sleep hygiene, and overall wellness. Arrange fitness activities, yoga classes, or meditation sessions to promote physical and mental well-being.


Support Group Participation: Encourage residents to actively engage in support group meetings, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA). Provide transportation or assistance in finding local meetings and sponsors.


Individual and Group Counseling: Arrange individual counseling sessions for residents with licensed therapists or counselors specializing in addiction treatment. Additionally, conduct group counseling sessions to foster peer support, share experiences, and learn from one another.


Aftercare Planning: Help residents develop a comprehensive aftercare plan for transitioning out of the sober living home. This plan may include ongoing therapy, continued attendance at support groups, and accessing community resources to maintain their sobriety.


Recreational Activities: Organize recreational activities and outings that are substance-free and promote socialization, enjoyment, and positive leisure time. This can include group hikes, movie nights, game nights, or creative arts activities.


Regular Check-ins: Conduct regular check-ins with residents to assess their progress, address any concerns, and offer additional support or resources as needed. Maintain open lines of communication to ensure residents feel supported throughout their recovery journey.


Peer Accountability: Encourage a culture of peer accountability and support within the sober living home. Encourage residents to hold each other accountable to the established rules, offer encouragement, and provide positive reinforcement for maintaining sobriety.


Community Involvement: Facilitate opportunities for residents to engage with the broader recovery community. This can include volunteering at local events or organizations, participating in recovery-related advocacy, or attending sober social events.


Ongoing Education and Training: Continuously provide residents with updated information on addiction research, new treatment modalities, and emerging trends in substance abuse prevention. This helps residents stay informed and equips them with knowledge for long-term recovery.


Remember, each sober living home may have its own specific needs and resources, so it's essential to tailor the program to fit the unique circumstances and goals of the residents and the facility.